What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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God's Minute 2/22

February 22

This, the love of God, that we keep His commandments.--1 John 5:3

O LORD, Thou art the high and lofty One Who doth inhabit eternity, Whose Name is Holy: Thou dwellest in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.

We bow before Thee, humbly asking Thy pardon of our sins, though our Saviour. We thank Thee that Thou didst so love us as to give Thy beloved Son that we might live; and we rejoice that no one shall be able to pluck us out of Thy hands.

We pray Thee that Thy Kingdom may come, and Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Do Thou support and empower everyone who labors for Thee at home or on the mission fields. Do Thou comfort and uphold all who are sick or bereaved, or troubled. May these trials bring them closer to Thee.

We do desire that Thou wouldst give us grace and power to live rightly today, to do our work and to glorify Thee. Oh, keep us from falling or doing anything to grieve Thee or to bring sorrow to ourselves, or to anyone.

We ask all in the Name of our Saviour. Amen.

D.T. Reed,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania



There is an undefinable "thing" about spring. It smells a certain way. It sounds a certain way. And it feels a certain way. For some reason, even though it is still February, even though it is 31 degrees out, and even though everything has that dirty, brown appearance from melting snow and all the grime of a long winter, I felt it today. It's coming! It really is!


To comment or not to comment

I've been thinking a lot about blogging over the past few days in light of the recent controversy. I think many, if not most of us have. I have an opinion just like everyone else. I have thought about sharing it but when it comes right down to it, I have nothing new to add and what I would say has already been said much better than I can say it anyway.

I decided before I ever hit the publish button on my first post that I would never post anything that I would feel weird about were someone/anyone reading in my presence. My husband, my mom, my sons, my pastor, my friends. Most especially my Savior. I've thought a lot about why I blog and how I blog. I have some self-imposed guidelines, known only to me, that I have been able to stick to so far. Maybe I'll share them all someday.

Here's one for today:

If I am uncertain about a post, whether it be concerning appropriateness, clarity, or correctness, I save it as a draft and give it the three day rule. I've only needed to do this a couple of times and each time I decided not to publish.

Kim linked to a really good blogpost this morning. It's worth reading.

So here's the question for the day: Do you have any self-imposed guidelines that govern your blogging activities? If so, leave a note in the comments and I'll move them up here or blog about it and I'll link here.


Carol says, "the main thing I ask myself is, "Is my heart right?" She has more words of wisdom in the comments.

Brand new blogger (yea!), Amy, at Ezekiel's Garden is careful about giving out too much personal information (good practice!) and she tries not to repeat a sentiment or idea unless it has been particularly meaningful to her. Go say "hi" to Amy and welcome her to the blogosphere--oh, and it's OK to repeat! :)


Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Someday I may be able to say, "I knew him when. . ."

David is the son of our pastor and we have been following his journey with American Idol for some time now. I don't really know David all that well, but I know his family and I can tell you that when they say he is a nice kid, they are right. He really is a fine young man.

David has a dream. He's a hard worker and a talented young man. Idol or no, he will go far.

Our family has never watched any of the other seasons of American Idol. We're not much for watching TV. But this year we've been gathering around the TV to wait for a glimpse of David. It's been fun. And it's been an eye-opener.

So many of the contestants have been well, foul-mouthed and rude and conceited. Most of those were cut. If you'd like to root for a "nice young man", get behind David. And if you think about it, pray for him.


God's Minute 2/21

February 21

God hath attended to the voice of my prayer.--Psalm 66:19

O THOU GOD of all grace, Father of mercies, the Hope of believers, Saviour of the penitent soul, hear our prayer.

Thou hast revealed Thyself in such lovely characteristics and endearing relations, that we may remove all fear, and be encouraged in all trouble, and be led to say, "Let us draw nigh to God."

Teach us, Lord, because we know not truth of ourselves. May we see divine things in a heavenly light, so that our minds may be informed and at the same time our hearts be sanctified.

Consecrate our whole life to Thy service and glory. Search us, O God, and know our hearts; try us, and know our thoughts; see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting.

Accept our thanksgiving and praise for Thy generous blessing in material refreshment and spiritual strength. Keep us under Thy guardian care so that whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we may do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus and to the glory of God, through Crhist our blessed Redeemer and Friend.


George M. Diffenderfer, D.D.,
Carlise, Pennsylvania