What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


More Quotes

Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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God's Minute 2/9

February 9

And it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer.--Isaiah 65:24

OUR Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for our home and our work and our friends. The morning calls us to the joy and toil and trial of a new day, and we want to begin it right, in the sense of Thy nearness and care.

Give us strength to meet the common duties of the day, and to live with our kindred and friends happily and helpfully. In our school life, in our homemaking, and in our business, may we be guided by the purposes of Jesus. If it be Thy good will, keep us from great temptation to do wrong; and furnish us with strength for the trials which Thou willest us to endure.

May Thy healing and comfort abide with those we love, who are in sorrow and sickness; make them brave and hopeful.

We pray Thee to prosper us in our work, in order that we may use all our gains for the good of others.

May our home and family be the abiding place of Him Who promised to be in the midst of those who love him. In His Name.


Ozora S. Davis, D.D., Ph.D.,
Chicago, Illinois

Ozora S. Davis was a past President of Chicago Theological Seminary.


Chesterton Quote

There are two ways to get enough: one is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less. —

Just read this at Ian's Messy Desk. In light of the recent Carnival of Beauty on Contentment, I thought it was worth repeating.

Reminds me of a similar quote--one of my all time favorites:

Enough is as good as a Feast. --
Mary Poppins


Pretty in Pink

This little sweetie is my best friend's new grand daughter. Isn't she lovely? She has her grandma's charm and beauty and flair for fashion.


God's Minute 2/8

February 8

Ye have not because ye ask not.--James 4:2

OUR HEAVENLY Father, it is with rejoicing hearts that we approach Thee in prayer. Thou hast, through Thy dear Son, brought "life and immortality to light." Thou hast revealed to us "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." We come with confession upon our lips and penitence in our hearts, asking to be forgiven. Wilt Thou not bless us this day with the manifestations of Thy presence, of Thy peace, and of Thy power? Wilt Thou not use us in Thy service, and make our bodies to be the temples of Thy Spirit? We are Thy "living sacrifices." Our eyes shall see for Thee; our ears shall hear for Thee; our lips shall speak for Thee; our hands shall work for Thee; our hearts shall beat for Thee. We are Thine. Bless Thou the members of this family circle. Thou hast given them the shelter of the roof, the warmth of the hearth, the nourishment of daily bread. Give them also the food that comes from Heaven, the robe of Christ's righteousness, and the assurance of an "inheritance which is incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away." Protect them in the hour of danger, and make them to be a positive force for righteousness. Hasten the full coming of Thy Kingdom, the complete proclamation of Thy Gospel, and the universal acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. We ask it in His name.


Rev. DeWitt M. Benham, Ph.D.,
Baltimore, Maryland

One time pastor of Central Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, he is described as "a world traveler and eloquent pulpiteer."


It's Done!

The wedding invitation is done and ready to go to the printer.

Here's a small snippet. Keep in mind that this is a scan of a copy, so there is some distortion. Also, somehow I managed to get it in the copier all crooked, (might have been because the original is 11 x 17 and it was hanging out on three sides!) so the lines don't look straight, but they really are. Enough 'splaining: