God's Minute 2/7
Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.--Isaiah 12:2
Oh, Lord God, help us to pray that this day we may come nearer the Christ ideal than ever before. Grant that by every thought and act we may bespeak His character to ourselves and to those with whom we shall come in contact. Forbid that we should neglect any opportunity that may come, to be living witnesses for Him.
Through the dangers and temptations, seen and unseen, which compass us about, bring us in safety to the close of day and to the close of this earthly pilgrimage. Bless those who are near to us by ties of home or friendship; and especially to those who know Thee not, manifest Thyself in power today.
May the Gospel note of love ring out more clearly this day than ever before, and may the sunshine of truth enter all hearts where ignorance, superstition and sin hold sway. May it bring cheer to the desolate ones, and hope to the despairing ones who may be near us, and yet who seem to be beyond our power to help. We pledge ourselves anew to the work of lifting the burdens of men and the upbuilding of Thy Kingdom.
Reverend W. M. Gross,
Cincinnati, Ohio
That last sentence really grabbed me today. We are surrounded each day by desolate and despairing people who "seem beyond our power to help." We live in an age in which tragedy and need and hopelessness are brought into our very living rooms every day when we switch on the TV news. We feel powerless to help. We come in contact each day in our neighborhoods, our workplaces, our churches and perhaps even our homes, with people who are discouraged or in despair. They may be silently suffering. We may feel we do not know what to say or how to help. But if we know the Lord Jesus Christ and have been called into riches of His blessings, we have power through Christ to minister hope through the Gospel and strength to pray effectual prayers through the Spirit. If you're reading this today, take a minute and ask God to open your eyes today to those around you. Ask Him to help you see with spiritual eyes those who are suffering, and ask Him to give you the strength and courage to reach out.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
"May the Gospel note of love ring out more clearly this day than ever before, and may the sunshine of truth enter all hearts where ignorance, superstition and sin hold sway."