Today's the Day

I've noticed that this is de-lurking day on several blogs. I don't think I've ever "delurked this blog." The potential for embarrassingly small responses has always kept me from it.
But today, I am taking a risk and going along with flow. If you're reading and you've never commented before, today is the day. Say hello. Introduce yourself if I don't know you yet. Introduce yourself if I DO know you in real life, but you've never commented, so everyone can get to know you a little.
If you've commented before, you can still comment and let me know you're still reading. With the recent move, I've lost a few readers along the way. It would encourage me to know you're out there!
For those of you who have followed me over here from Blogger, I have a question. How do you like Hiraeth on Squarespace? Does anything need to be changed to make the navigation easier? How about the content? How do you like Spurgeon compared to God's Minute? Feedback is appreciated. Eija had some suggestions about my template that really made a difference. You might have some ideas, too.
Let the de-lurking begin.
Reader Comments (25)
Hi Kim - I'll start the process although I'm not lurker here. :)
How do you like squarespace? I really like it- especially the support.Very prompt and personal.
"a" lurker
I don't even really like the term - it sounds kind of - I don't know - sleazy?
I love your new look although I'm not a lurker!
How do you like squarespace? My hesitation at moving from blogger has always been even if I moved many of my friends are still on blogger and I can't comment to them if blogger is being beasty (as it often is)
I'm not a lurker, either, but I'll comment anyway. I've got a squarespace place, too, but I haven't switched over yet. I started it in November, but I've been too busy to finish things up over there.
SOmetimes I lurk, sometimes I comment, Bah! you know who I am. Hi, Kim! I like your blog.
Hi Island Sparrow!
I really like squarespace. You are right, the support is great and very personal. There is a learning curve, as in all things, but I think it's very easy to use!
Hi Susie,
If you ever do decide to switch to squarespace, you can still use your blogger profile. I do when I need to.
It took me a little while to get things set up. I'm still working behind the scenes (look for a "ta-da!
moment in the hopefully not so distant future).
I think you'll really like squarespace once you make the move.
Hello, MissM,
I must tell you that we have had so much fun with your picture list.
Tom and I got a lot of the old ones and Jake got nearly all the new ones and he told me he's going to give it another go when he comes home from work tonight!
The family that plays together stays together. I'm just glad the family doesn't have to listen to the same music! hehehe
I love that it turned into a family game. It was fun. I hope we get them all. Though I don't know how we will ever know if we do, I don't have the answers.
I have absolutely NO idea what "delurking a blog" is... but I hope you have a great time!!!!
I am delurking! Wait... Well, I read your blog every day, but I don't always comment.Your blog means a lot to me, though.
I guess I am a lurker here. I don't often comment, but have before.
Anywho--happy delurking day to you!
I followed you over from your other place.
- as to god's minute versus spurgeon....hmmmm...not sure. there are things I like about both. Would be nice perhaps if you could mix them up a bit, but that might be a bit of a bother for you.
- as to squarespace, other than when I comment it looks "odd" to me (but that could just be the font) it works well it seems. Template is nicely laid out.
- I like your quote of the week. :) Gives me an easy place to find quotes when I change my sig lines on my emails! :)
Hi AnnMarie!
A person who reads but never, or rarely comments is called a lurker. It's not a bad thing-I am thankful for every reader, whether they comment or not.
De-lurking is just saying "hello" and letting the person know you are there.
I lurk on some blogs; mostly the theological blogs written by men.
I'm not a lurker, but I'm still here! I love the new format. My only thing is that the picture of spurgeon freaks me out. Like a bad carnival poster of Houdini or something. But that's just a shallow reason. :)
Hi Beck and Amanda,
Thanks for delurking. Beck, I'm glad you're here.
You're one of my favorite morning reads, which is to say, you are a friend!
Hi Amanda,
I'm glad to know you're here! I'd like to get to know you better. I'll be reading along at the Unknown Path! See you there!
Hi Annette,
I feel the same way as you do about the God's Minute versus Spurgeon. I think I like the prayers better, but Spurgeon's checkbook is less familiar to me and he is making me think, so I think a year of Spurgeon will be a good thing, at least for me.
I wish I could see what you see when you leave a comment. When I look at the comments it all looks pretty normal to me and the font is the same as the front page. Hmmm. If I can wrangle a few minutes to play around with the formatting, I'll see what I can figure out.
RE: the quote of the week; I've been collecting quotes for about 25 years now. Reading a quote on a blog or in a book can cause me to pick up a book by the author and read it. My life has been enriched not only by the quotes that come from the heart and pen of others, but also by the books they come from! I need to get in the habit of telling where the quotation comes from (if I know myself).
This year I may post all Jonathan Edwards quotes. We'll see how that goes. Weigh in on whether you like that idea or not, OK?
Hi Allyson,
I know what you mean about the picture. I tried to reduce it to a thumbnail yesterday, but that made it more distorted. I'm going to try to come up with something else. I have an idea, but I haven't given it a try yet.
Hi Kim. No surprise to hear from me, I guess...I'm certainly a regular here.
I like the look of your blog on squarespace--otherwise, from my standpoint, I don't notice much else of a difference from that of Blogger. Hiraeth is just as easy to comment on and to read, and it's very pretty to look at.
I'm going to say that I have an easier time reading and understanding Spurgeon the first time through than I did with God's Minute, and so I enjoy it more.
You know me, Kim, at least I hope so,we are family!!
I guess you could say I am a "lurker" sometimes as many times I read but do not comment. Since I am not a blogger myself, I am unaware of all these blogging terms!! I am not sure I like being called a "lurker"-doesn't sound like a very positive thing!!
Hi Jill! You are very kind. : )
Hi Sally,
I know what you mean, lurker doesn't sound good but it isn't a bad thing. I don't think of lurkers as lurkers, I think of them as readers, and so am very thankful for each one!
I'm glad you're reading, Sally! I miss you!