What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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Oh, what a night!


Wha?  What was that?

Flashing lights, shouting, the thudding sound of running feet. 

We're up and out of bed--peering through the slats of the plantation blinds.  What? 

Four police cars have the end of our street blocked off.  The officers are shouting, SHOUTING, at . . . someone--"Drop!  NOW!"  Did that policeman shout Drop it?  As in drop the gun?  Did I dream that part?

My heart is pounding now.  More police cars wheel in--more shouting.  Whatever they want "him" to do, he isn't complying.  What time is it?  Almost 2?  

A couple of policemen are canvasing the neighborhood with their big nightstick flashlights.  How many are there?  What did he/they do?  He/they must be on foot.  But why do they have the street blocked off?   Did we lock the doors before we went to bed last night?  How'd they get here so fast?  Already must've been in pursuit.  Wonder what he/they did. . .

What was that?  It sounds like the back door!!  Whew, calm down; it's just Jake coming up to see what's going on.

Another police car and more flashing lights.  How many cars does the department have, I wonder?  And what percentage of them are here--right across the street? 

The rising and falling of muffled voices, punctuated by emphatic bellows.  What in the world is going on?   

Tom and Jake notice that some of the neighbors across the street are gathering in the yard, so they brave a closer look from the safety of the front porch.  I retreat to the safety of the couch.   

"Hey, honey!  C'mere!  Know why we can see all the neighbors collecting across the street?  Their fence is down!  Somebody drove right through the fence!  How did they miss that tree?"

I take a peek from the porch.  Sure enough, a large section of the fence is down.  My first thought?  Their dog is really big and mean.  I hope they have a strong chain!  Better keep an eye on the girls until they get that fence fixed!! 

I'm losing interest.  Until I notice a stretcher with a white sheet over it.  LOOK!  Over there!  There's a stretcher with a sheet over it!  Somebody's dead!  Why isn't there an ambulance? 

Tom and Jake think I'm imagining things.  I go back to bed, but my ears are working overtime.

Eventually, they get the guy, but he won't get in the squad car.  He won't bend his head.  More shouting from the police.   I get reports from the guys.  He's in the car.  .   . Only one squad car left on the scene.  . .Here comes the wrecker.    

It's dark and quiet outside.  It is not quiet "inside."  My brain is working overtime. 

I wonder, what just happened?

 Oh, and the sheet covered stretcher?


Lawn furniture with covers stretched over them. 

(Wonder where that big, ugly, mean old dog is this morning. . .)

Reader Comments (10)

Our imaginations know no bounds and we can surely talk ourselves into believing anything! What a story! So glad there were no stretchers after all!

June 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterlisa writes

Oh my goodness! What a night is right!

June 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShanna

Yikes! Hope you have a more restful night tonight! Glad it was just a fence that got hurt!

June 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterellen b.

:P~~~ You SO had me going! Glad it turned out better than you thought! :)

June 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRabbit


June 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterrebecca

Thank God you're ok!

June 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjen elslager

Glad it wasn't worse!!

June 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSally S.

Kim thanks for the update and for including the story about your daughter in law. What a horrific experience you all endured.What a sweet result in that continuing story, healing, a wedding after all and a move near you. Praying that all will be well with you and yours...

June 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterellen b.

Wow, that sounds HORRIBLE! Now they just need to come and arrest my neighbours.
Your daughter in law was SHOT? That's awful.

June 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

Wow! How exciting!! Thanks for sharing about your daughter-in-law.What a testimony she has! Things that go bump in the night sure are unsettling. Pray you sleep better tonight! I chuckled about the girls! My dogs are so nosey - you look out the window and they are there trying to see what is going on! They are funny.

June 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPam

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