Brown Plate Special: Week Two Weigh in

Week Two Weigh-in:
This week's weight loss--2 pounds.
Total weight loss--4 pounds.
I'm actually not unhappy with this small weight loss. I've been sick for almost two weeks and just can't shake the fatigue, so I know I haven't moved enough. I've been able to keep up with the bare necessities at home; no one has starved and everyone has clean underwear, but I haven't been a ball of fire the past week.
I got out my pedometer and strapped it on early last week, but it mocked me unmercifully so I decided that since it wasn't really motivating me, I'd try again later.
I'm still not feeling up to par, but the pedometer is attached and I'm going to stick with it this week.
We've decided to purchase a treadmill. We've been doing research online; reading reviews, comparing prices and deciding which options we think we need.
Here's our list of "must have" options:
Easy assembly
Quiet motor
Wide, cushioned walking surface
Adjust the speed and incline at the touch of a button
Either multiple preset programs or the capacity to store more than one "exercise profile"
Heart rate monitor
Costs no more than $600
Do you use a treadmill? If so, what options to you think are must haves? Can you recommend a particular brand? Is there anything you know that we need to know before we invest in this piece of equipment?
This quote from Winnie the Pooh is going on my refrigerator this week:
"It all comes," said Rabbit sternly,"of eating too much.
Reader Comments (13)
Ok love the cartoon at the end!!
Way to go Kim, that's a great total.
I wish I was in Seattle then I could tell you what treadmill we bought. It does all the stuff you listed but I only use the basic walk and record my distance with it. It folds up easily.
My post is up, and I'm up :( but not by much....
Kim, a gradual weight loss is so much better for you, and will last. Sorry to hear that you've been under the weather. Indeed, get healthy first before you try to increase your steps. I think your list for a treadmill is right on. I did want in mine though, a bookrest for reading while I walked. Some people don't care for this, but I love mine.
And big giggles on that Winne Pooh quote!
I'm sorry you've been sick. :(
I have used my neighbours in the past and I like that they have a little shelf for me to set the mp3 player on so I don't have to hold it!!
Just a thought!
Congratulations, Kim! I would love to lose 4 pounds in two weeks--you're doing a great job. Meanwhile, I have a pan of brownies baking right now...
I have a used treadmill (it's pretty primitive), but it works in a pinch. Or, I mean to say, it worked in a pinch, when I was actually walking or running. I haven't used it in a while and it's out in the barn, which is very cold right now...
Loved the Pooh quote.
Good going! My brother reckons that it takes two weeks of exercise to make you feel a difference then after three other people start to notice the difference in you. I hate the sick set backs! Keep going! You're doing well!
Ummm, I reckon your list is pretty good. I would add time, distance and possibly calorie readings and a changeable display screen that can give you different info at the touch of a button. Also you need to be able to enter your weight if you want to know how many calories you have burned. For me, I need a machine in kms/hr because I have no idea how fast I'm running when it's in miles and I end up getting thrown off the back. I avoid the miles/hr treadmill at the gym. Once was enough. So....make sure, for you, the distance and speed readings can be in miles - obvious really but potentially disastrous if you get it wrong!
The book stand sounds great! You need somewhere for water too.
Have fun!!!
Hi Kim, hope this finds you feeling a little more spunky! Take care of yourself and drink alot.
Well done Kim!!
I hope you're feeling better soon!
I think I'll print Rabbit's advice - I need it...
Hope you start feeling great soon. I'm thankful for our treadmill and I actually enjoy using it. We've had it for 5 years and it's been great. It's a PaceMaster, and has everything on your list. It's quiet enough that can easily listen to cds while walking, even on greater speeds.
hi kim! check out craigslist for used treadmills, by this time of year you could probably get a really nice one from all those who have given up on their new years resolutions by now. hope all is well, take care!
Hi Kim, When I purchased my treadmill, I didn't want all the bells and whistles but rather a 'work-horse' My desires were to have a treadmill with a reliable motor that could go to a speed of 6-7 (not that I run that fast). I purchased this treadmill over 10 years ago and it works like it did when I first got it. The brand if you can find it is "Lifesyler" you might take a look at Sears.
BTW I gave you an award.
Great job on the weight loss!I am working on taking off a few of those middle age pounds myself.
I'm very happy that my treadmill shelf is the perfect angle to set a laptop on. I can surf the net (and read blogs) while walking! We've also set up a tv right in front of the treadmill which is "linked" to another tv in the room so the my husband and son can play video games on the treadmill, or I can watch tv. We also have a treadmill with a padded belt, which has turned out to be a really great feature. We bought our treadmill used.
Hi Kim, I was going to try NOT to post a comment (again) til I finished this series, but oops! Looks like I didn't do too well with that...!
Depending on whether or not you've already gotten a treadmill, that would be a GREAT question for Shannon's BACKWARDS Works for Me Wednesday carnivals. It gets a ton of traffic and I bet readers will have some great suggestions. You might not wanna wait til the next one (I have no idea when it is), but if you can, it might be worth it.
BTW, 2 pounds a weeks is SPECTACULAR! Are you kidding me??? :)