What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


More Quotes

Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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It is difficult to define Hiraeth, but to me it means the consciousness of man being out of his home area and that which is dear to him. That is why it can be felt even among a host of peoples amidst nature's beauty. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

. . like a Christian yearning for Heaven. . .

Entries in weight loss (14)


Brown Plate Special: Week 12

brown%20plate%20special.jpgWhenever I have a difficult decision to make, I like to give it the three day rule.  Usually, it's about spending money (do I really need that beautiful hand crafted pie safe?) or ministry related (should I teach Sunday School just because I've always taught Sunday School or should I step aside?).

Three days gives me time to think and pray and ask advice.

Regarding the Brown Plate Special, the three days gave me time to think and pray and re-evaluate.  

I've decided that this will be my last Brown Plate Special post, for a host of reasons. 

The Brown Plate Special was an experiment to see if, by controlling portion size and following a few guidelines, a middle aged girl like me could cook and eat the way I love to cook and eat and manage to stop the slow weight gain and even shed a few pounds.  Doing only that, I managed to lose 4 pounds in two weeks.  But after that, the weight loss slowed to a halt until I added exercise (granted, not an original part of the experiment).  But weight loss was still slower that I hoped and so I began to read about diet and exercise and aging.  I began to learn about blood chemistry, adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance and pre-diabetes and realized that I needed to make more changes than just the size of my plate.

And so last week, there were a whole lot fewer carbs on the ol' brown plate and the ones that did make it to the plate were in the form of complex carbohydrates--that's right, VEGETABLES.  No pasta, rice, potatoes or bread.  As always, no dessert.  But I added protein snacks twice a day.

And I lost 3.5 pounds.  And all of a sudden I wasn't doing the Brown Plate Special anymore. 

My goals have changed, too.  Before I just wanted to be able to do what I wanted to do (cook like I always have and eat what I like) but now I just want to be healthy.  My energy, stamina, endurance, and flexibility have increased dramatically with regular exercise.  And the Brown Plate really didn't have anything to do with that. 

So, sayonara, Brown Plate Special!  It was a fun experiment, but your time is over; portion control is only part of my health and fitness regime.

Thanks to everyone who played along, especially Ellen, who encouraged me beyond words. 


Brown Plate Special: Week Eleven

I lost 1.5 pounds last week, so I've be able to get rid of my hospital weight gain.  Yippee!  It took just less than 4 days to gain three pounds and almost two weeks to lose it!  Moral of the story:  do not go backwards!  Even a disappointing .5 pound a week or no loss at all is better than a weight gain!

Here are my stats for the past week:

The past week's weight loss--1.5 pound.

Total weight loss--7.5 pounds.

Fitness Averages per day:

average miles per day:  1.57

average calories burned per treadmill workout: 168 (tallied only during the treadmill portion plus whatever is burned during the exercise portion)

carbs burned per treadmill workout: 21.5 (same as above)

speed/incline: I'm still doing the same pre-programmed "total body workout" but I have increased the incline +2 for every programmed cycle throughout the program.

I've also increased the number of workouts with the hand weights and exercise ball and have added some new sets.  I'm surprised at how much I am beginning to look forward to working out. I worked outside in the yard for over three solid hours this weekend and I could really tell the difference. Between the new medicine that is controlling my arrhythmias and my increased level of fitness, I was able to work much longer and without total exhaustion.

I'm still disappointed at the slow weight loss.  Therefore, there will be fewer carbs in the form of pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread on the old brown plate this week.  I know, I know.  The idea was portion control, not deprivation, but it seems that carbs continue to be my downfall, even in smaller portions.


Brown Plate Special: Weeks Nine and Ten

brown%20plate%20special.jpgIs it Monday already?

Last week, I was just coming home from the hospital, so I didn't post up a progress report.  Believe it or not, I gained three pounds while I was languishing in the hospital.  I didn't over eat, I didn't snack, I didn't eat bread or dessert, but I didn't get enough exercise while I was there.

This week, I have managed to lose two of the three pounds, even though I developed a small pseudo-aneurism after I got home and had to go back to the hospital for an ultrasound.  Until that is healed, I am not to exercise and have to apply ice and stay off it as much as possible.  That situation has improved a great deal, but I still can't exercise.  Bah. 

The moral of the story:  Rabbit had it half right when he told Pooh, "It all comes from eating too much." 

“A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.”
Stoutness exercise 
OOops!  Almost forgot my stats:

Two week's weight gain--1 pound. 

Total weight loss--6.0 pounds. 


Who Knew?

exercise%20ball.JPGI'm sitting here blogging, perched oh-so-carefully atop my exercise ball.  I learned that if you trade your chair for an exercise ball, you can burn up to 350 calories per day (if you work an 8 hour day) with the added benefit of strengthening your core, achieving balance, improving posture and circulation, and just generally getting fitter.*

Know what?  I feel a little silly but once you get used to it, it's very comfortable.  I don't think I'll be sitting on the ball at the drawing board or anything, but I do think I'll keep using it at the computer for awhile. 

If you have an exercise ball, give it a go and let me know what you think. 

*If you have or develop back pain, give up the exercise ball chair.  It can exacerbate some skeletal problems. 


Nutrition Facts at Your Fingertips

Look what I found at Rosemary's this morning:  a new toy!


This chart was generated at the website, Calorie-Count.com.

To give it a try, I chose a very simple recipe--basic crepes.  Partly because it is a simple and straightforward recipe and partly because I've been making crepes a lot lately (one fits very nicely on my little brown plate).   

106 calories isn't much, is it?  Now, let's compare that to one FILLED Creamy Spicy Sausage Crepe:


Add them both together and one filled crepe--well, you do the math. (Recipe gets an A+, but the filling gets a Nutrition Grade of D+.  Must've been the veggies that saved it from total failure!)

Thanks, Rosemary! 


Brown Plate Special: Weeks Seven and Eight Weigh in

brown%20plate%20special.jpgIt's Monday morning again; time to weigh in and post results.

I didn't post my results last week because I was taking a break from blogging, so I'm combining the last two weeks in today's post. 

Two week's weight loss--1 pound. 

Total weight loss--7.0 pounds. 

Fitness Averages per day:

miles per day:  1.11

calories burned per workout: 140 (tallied only during the treadmill portion plus whatever is burned during the exercise portion) 

carbs burned per workout: 17.5 (same as above) 

speed/incline: varies throughout workout.  Highest level 3.5 speed/4.0 incline 

I've worked up to doing one of the preset total body workouts now.  It's a 25 minute program that automatically changes the speed and incline and stops 4 times so you can get off the treadmill and do regular exercises with the exercise ball and hand weights.  Along with the hand weight exercises, I have added abdominal crunches, lunges, ball squats, and a couple of other ones that escape me at the moment.  The whole thing takes about a half hour to complete, but I'm only on the treadmill once a day instead of several, shorter periods.  It'll take some time before I'm able to move to the next preset program--it's 45 minutes long with higher incline and faster speeds, so my fitness numbers will be fairly static for a while.

I can tell a real difference in stamina and endurance and even though my weight loss is slow, I am beginning to exchange fat for muscle.  Muscle weighs more than fat, right?

I confess, though, that my portion size has been sneaking up a little so I'm going to be more careful this week and see if that makes a difference in next week's numbers. 

If you want to join me, click on the image in the side bar.  That'll take you to the first post with all the information.  This is do-able!


Brown Plate Special: Week Six Weigh in

brown%20plate%20special.jpgTime to weigh in again. 

This week's weight loss--1 pound. 

Total weight loss--6.0 pounds.  That's an average of 1 pound per week.

I was hoping for two pounds per week, but I'm learning to be content and take the long view.  (sigh--keep telling yourself that, Kim!)  I weighed myself earlier in the week and discovered a one pound weight GAIN.  That was pretty upsetting.  So you might say I lost 2 pounds this week, net one.  There.  That sounds better, doesn't it?

On a brighter note, here are my fitness stats averages for the first week:

miles per day:  1.6

calories burned per day:  172

carbs burned per day:   44

minutes on treadmill per day:  26

speed/incline:  level 3 / 2 (or 2.5) incline 

 I'm breaking up my exercise into two or three short sessions (about 10-15 minutes each) so I don't think I'm getting the full benefit that I would if I could do a sustained 30 or 40 minute work out.  I can't really push it on the treadmill until after I have my little heart procedure because after about 10 minutes, my heart rate is in the high 180's and the arrythmias are going crazy.  But I can already tell a big difference in the way I feel, even after just one week.

I've also been doing 6 different upper body weight training exercises with the 2 pound weights, 20 reps each.  After just a week, those are already seeming much easier.

Looks like the ice and snow will be melted away and the dogs and I can get back outside for regular walks soon!


A Word to the Wise

If ever you should be about 10 minutes into a 20 minute walk on the treadmill and you should begin to mentally reorganize the rooms in your basement, imagining all the wonderful space you could find if you simply moved things around; and if ever you should decide the space behind the treadmill is as unorganized and jumbled as the space in front, and begin to wonder how much space could be reclaimed behind you, DON'T PEEK AROUND WHILE YOU ARE WALKING!

You may think only your head is turning but you might find yourself skipping to stay upright and moving forward. 

I'm just saying. . . 


Brown Plate Special: Week Five Weigh in

brown%20plate%20special.jpgTime to weigh in again with last week's totals: 

This week's weight loss--.5 pounds. 

Total weight loss--5.0 pounds.

Slow but steady.  That's the ticket.  I confess that each week, when I step on the scales I am hoping to repeat the first week's loss of 2 pounds and I suffer a brief moment of disappointment when that doesn't magically materialize on the scales.  But then I remind myself that I didn't gain this weight overnight--it crept up a half pound at a time over years.  Hopefully, it won't take years to get it off.  That's where the treadmill comes in.

I'm really glad we took our time and researched treadmills before we invested in one.  We are delighted with our ProForm 5.0 Crosstrainer.  The whole family has had a chance to try out all the bells and whistles (of which there are many) and we've all been able to find a program that fits our different fitness levels.  Moving from one level or incline to another is effortless, the displays are easy to read, and it keeps track of the time, distance, carbs burned, calories burned, and will display pulse rate.  (I'll be sharing some of those numbers with you next week) I've already added some upper body exercises to my new routine--two 2 pound weights are stored right in the console within easy reach.

I hope I don't sound like a commercial!  The best commercial, I suppose, is stick with it, lose weight and get fit. (Speaking of commercials, though, the ProForm 5.o Cross Trainer is on close out clearance from the manufacturer, with FREE SHIPPING.  Now's a good time if you've been thinking about investing in your family's fitness!)



It's a New Day

Today was the first official "get up early and use the treadmill" day.  We got it assembled yesterday and tried it out.

Very slick.

Tom, Sam, and I huddled around it, punching buttons and watching it go through its paces.   Level 10 is ridiculous! We're calling that "The Bionic Man" level. 

I briefly took it up to level 4, I think Tom took it up to level 5, and Sam took it up to level 6. 

I'm starting out slowly and building up both speed and distance.  Incline will come later.  Much later if this morning is any indication.

I'd show you a picture, but the treadmill is located in a storage room in our basement--not a pretty sight.  The view from the treadmill, overlooking the freezer, is a bookshelf jumbled with old home schooling materials, the big dogfood bin, and a clothes rack.  I'm thinking that looking at that for a few mornings will inspire me to fix up clean up that room!

When I came upstairs to grab my coffee and start feeding the dogs and letting them outside, the birds were singing their fool heads off!  It felt positively balmy outside this morning at 34 degrees.  We're supposed to get up to 43 degrees this afternoon, with rain.

 Time to get ready for church now. 

O Bless Our God with One Accord


Brown Plate Special: Week Four Weigh in

brown%20plate%20special.jpgI thought sure I'd have to admit to a weight gain this week.  We went on a little overnight trip to Wisconsin this weekend and ate three meals out, which is usually NOT a good thing.  I was surprised when I got home that I hadn't gained anything and even more surprised when I got on the scales this morning:

This week's weight loss--.5 pounds. 

Total weight loss--4.5 pounds.

 Got a call late last week from ABF.  Our treadmill will be arriving this Friday!  Yippee!  The freight bill says the shipping weight is 202 lbs.  No wonder the UPS man isn't delivering it!


Brown Plate Special: Week Three Weigh in

brown%20plate%20special.jpgI knew this day would come but I had hoped it wouldn't be so soon!  I neither gained nor lost weight last week.

This week's weight loss--0 pounds. 

Total weight loss--4 pounds.

I dread the day that I have to admit to having gained a pound.  I know that will happen sometime, too.

The weather and lingering illness kept me indoors last week, but I shall no longer have those excuses.  I am feeling much, much better now and I think I have finally kicked the flu.  I'm glad that's over!









We ordered our treadmill last night.  It's  a ProForm 5.0 Crosstrainer and we got it at close out pricing, so we saved a bunch of money.  Not sure when it will arrive, nor how long it will take to assemble, but I hope that this may be the last week that I can plead the bad weather excuse! 

Onward and Upward!  (or maybe I should say downward!) 



Brown Plate Special: Week Two Weigh in


Week Two Weigh-in:

This week's weight loss--2 pounds. 

Total weight loss--4 pounds.

I'm actually not unhappy with this small weight loss.  I've been sick for almost two weeks and just can't shake the fatigue, so I know I haven't moved enough.  I've been able to keep up with the bare necessities at home; no one has starved and everyone has clean underwear, but I haven't been a ball of fire the past week. 

I got out my pedometer and strapped it on early last week, but it mocked me unmercifully so I decided that since it wasn't really motivating me, I'd try again later. 

I'm still not feeling up to par, but the pedometer is attached and I'm going to stick with it this week.   

We've decided to purchase a treadmill.  We've been doing research online; reading reviews, comparing prices and deciding which options we think we need.

Here's our list of "must have" options:

Easy assembly
Quiet motor
Wide, cushioned walking surface
Adjust the speed and incline at the touch of a button
Either multiple preset programs or the capacity to store more than one "exercise profile"
Heart rate monitor
Costs no more than $600

Do you use a treadmill?  If so, what options to you think are must haves?   Can you recommend a particular brand?  Is there anything you know that we need to know before we invest in this piece of equipment?

This quote from Winnie the Pooh is going on my refrigerator this week: 

"It all comes," said Rabbit sternly,"of eating too much.



Brown Plate Special: Week One Weigh in

brown%20plate%20special.jpgWeek One Weigh-in:

This week's weight loss--2 pounds. 

Total weight loss--2 pounds.

 Slowly but surely.  That was my assessment of the plan when I came up with the idea last week and "slowly" it is!  However, I am not disappointed, for several reasons.

You know the old saw--you didn't gain it overnight and you're not going to lose it overnight.  Some old saws are true!  I've encouraged myself all week by telling myself this.  After all, there are 52 weeks in a year and I don't have anything like 52 pounds to lose; so even a consitent, modest, one pound  per week will get me where I want to go!  Last year at this time I wanted to lose 20-25 pounds.  All added up, I probably lost that amount over the course of last year but wasn't all together and I didn't keep it off.

Unlike Ellen, who is faithfully walking, I didn't walk at all last week.  Several snow storms, high winds, cold temps all kept me indoors last week, but this week promises to be sloppy and wet and "walkable."  Hopefully, that will result in another pound loss this time next week.

On the upside, I enjoyed cooking and eating this week and only cheated once.  (I'll tell you why in another post)  I made an adjustment on Wednesday since I ate at our church's prayer and fellowship gathering for the dinner meal.  We've been meeting for prayer and then sharing a meal together every other week and through the cold, winter months we're all bringing soups to share.  I knew that I wanted to sample a bit from each soup (there were four) so I had a very light breakfast and skipped lunch. 

I'll admit to being hungry a couple of times but it wasn't hard at all to stick to smaller portions.  This is doable for me.

Onward and upward downward!  

If you're participating in the Brown Plate Special let me know how you're doing!  I'll add your link at the bottom of this post! 

  • Ellen lost a whopping 4.8 lbs!  Congratulations, Ellen!  You encourage me!