Brown Plate Special: Week 12

Whenever I have a difficult decision to make, I like to give it the three day rule. Usually, it's about spending money (do I really need that beautiful hand crafted pie safe?) or ministry related (should I teach Sunday School just because I've always taught Sunday School or should I step aside?).
Three days gives me time to think and pray and ask advice.
Regarding the Brown Plate Special, the three days gave me time to think and pray and re-evaluate.
I've decided that this will be my last Brown Plate Special post, for a host of reasons.
The Brown Plate Special was an experiment to see if, by controlling portion size and following a few guidelines, a middle aged girl like me could cook and eat the way I love to cook and eat and manage to stop the slow weight gain and even shed a few pounds. Doing only that, I managed to lose 4 pounds in two weeks. But after that, the weight loss slowed to a halt until I added exercise (granted, not an original part of the experiment). But weight loss was still slower that I hoped and so I began to read about diet and exercise and aging. I began to learn about blood chemistry, adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance and pre-diabetes and realized that I needed to make more changes than just the size of my plate.
And so last week, there were a whole lot fewer carbs on the ol' brown plate and the ones that did make it to the plate were in the form of complex carbohydrates--that's right, VEGETABLES. No pasta, rice, potatoes or bread. As always, no dessert. But I added protein snacks twice a day.
And I lost 3.5 pounds. And all of a sudden I wasn't doing the Brown Plate Special anymore.
My goals have changed, too. Before I just wanted to be able to do what I wanted to do (cook like I always have and eat what I like) but now I just want to be healthy. My energy, stamina, endurance, and flexibility have increased dramatically with regular exercise. And the Brown Plate really didn't have anything to do with that.
So, sayonara, Brown Plate Special! It was a fun experiment, but your time is over; portion control is only part of my health and fitness regime.
Thanks to everyone who played along, especially Ellen, who encouraged me beyond words.