Third Time's the Charm?

Karen tagged me for the Bucket List meme: five things you want to do before you die, based on the movie The Bucket List. (I have never heard of said movie before, have you? Is it in theaters now?)
I remembered that I had answered a similar meme before; so, being the constant, unspontaneous person that I am, I searched through my old blogger blog for the answers I gave the other time--June 2006. I had to laugh when I read this:
"Here are my answers from last November." (7 x 7 things meme)
See? I really am a constant, unspontaneous person, am I not? Here are the first five from that other list:
1. Grow in grace and truth
2. Visit Ireland
3. Face death with confidence and peace
4. See my boys happily married to godly women (one down, two to go!)
5. Pray with my grandchildren (first one on the way!)
Last time, I tagged some new friends and I shall do the same this time:
Mummymac, AnnB, and Naomi, all of whom live in Ireland and all with whom I hope to have a cup of tea someday. Ladies, you may answer the Bucket Meme or the 7 x 7 meme--your choice. I am also tagging my (rl)bff Dorothy for either meme. It'll give her some fodder for her new blog once she commits to and creates her new blog.

Reader Comments (6)
Ahem, regarding #4, maybe we should talk? :-)
Sorry I just couldn't resist--my oldest says she would trust us to select a good husband for her. She's half-serious and half-joking--clearly, I listen to the 'half-serious' part! :-) Actually, we're in no hurry for her to get married, but like you are praying for a Godly mate.
With my luck, when I kick the bucket, I'll probably still stub my toe.
I thought I'd left a comment earlier, tired brain from another cold virus. I've tried to do a Bucket list, meme my first one.
I'll get to it later to-day - feeling just a little proud to be no 2 on the list ;-)
Thankyou for the tag! Away to have a think!
I think it's funny about the Americans loving Ireland so much when all we want to do is get out of here and come to visit your country!
Mine's up.