Get Up, Get Up, Whoever You Are!
I made a very embarrassing discovery the other day.
Since Jake's off work during his recuperation period, he's been staying up later and, consequently, getting up later. He can be pretty hard to get out of bed on a good day, but since he hasn't had to be anywhere at a particular time, he's been sleeping in. After I've gone downstairs to his basement bedroom two or three times, I start texting him. (He probably regrets he ever taught me how to text!)
I'm not very good at texting and it seems I always text the same things to Jake:
Get up.
Dinner's ready
Did you remember your keys
Come upstairs
It takes me forever to text a message, so I save my "usual" messages in my sent calls and just re-send them.
Saturday I re-texted him TWICE telling him to get up. He claimed he hadn't got the message. I whipped out my phone and discovered to my chagrin that I had misdialed his number the first time I sent the "get up"message. . .
Some poor stranger has been getting the message instead of Jake.
Reader Comments (7)
That's hilarious!
That is very funny.
Oh, wow. Was that you?
Thanks for the calls.
;)So, did you get up? : D
Oops..... :) Maybe the recipient will appreciate the "mom" messages?
He he he Kim!!! I'm laughing!! You made my day!!!!
This totally sounds like something I would do (and my face would be red too!)
I am terribly slow at texting, too, because I type using only one finger on the phone. and have been known to save messages and re-send them.
Now you have me wondering if I have ever sent any to the wrong number, because occasionally I do not get a reply....