What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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ETA. . .

A new Dell laptop, estimated time of arrival:  next Friday.

I.can't.wait.  The last time we ordered a Dell, it came in about a week; maybe we'll get lucky and this one will come early, too.

So, while I wait, I have a question for you.  How hard is it going to be to get used to Vista?  I've heard good things and I've heard bad things; any opinions?  Advice? 


Reader Comments (8)

Sometimes it's like a demon takes over and opens up window after window, pure craziness, but then I just shut it down totally, start up again, and things seem to be normal again. But that's from a computer dummy...

January 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterellen b

I haven't had any trouble with it.

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjen

I'm so glad to hear that ellen b has had problems with windows opening over and over again. That drives me crazy! It just happens for no apparent reason at all! Good to know it happens to other people and it's not just my computer.

Other than that, I love it!

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommentertheArthurClan

Don't know about Vista - my only experience about it is helping Lorna's son get through to the internet. What I've heard, with Vista take care of (at least) two things:
1. Make sure your computer is powerful enough. Vista eats a lot of resources.
2. Make sure you have a Vista-compatible antivirus program. The geek world was still telling at least a few months ago that some of the programs are totally of no use with Vista.

Anyway - did you try "format C" and reinstalling the windows with your old computer? That should take care of all sorts of bugs...

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commentereija

You might consider asking Dell to load XP on your system before they ship. They did mine. They even have (or had within the last six months) a page tucked away on their website quietly advertising this. VISTA will be there if I ever need or want it too.

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbob


January 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPam

I have not had any problems with VISTA. My anti-virus is Windows Live One Care and I really like it. ALOT! I do not see that much difference. I have read much about XP being better but there was a time when the geeks thought XP was not good. If there are problems that is why you have the warranty/and I suggest getting the extended warranty.

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPam

Things to keep in mind when "learning" Vista:
1) Like anything new in the computer world, you MUST give it time. By time, I mean spend 30 minutes or so just playing around with it before you "do" anything. Don't install a bunch of software right away, just chill and learn.
2) Vista is not out to get you. User Account Control is a feature of Windows that is actually "Linux-esque." Microsoft borrowed the idea b/c Linux, a free open-source operating system, uses this by default and Linux lovers hail it as supreme. It's the feature that, "out of the box," asks you for confirmation on stuff, like installing programs or making changes to the way the operating system works. You can turn it off in your Control Panel (of course, you'll have to confirm the change!).
3) Vista stores your stuff in C:\Users\USERNAME, instead of C:\Documents And Settings\USERNAME. That takes a bit of getting used to
4) Learn basic Windows Key commands to make your life easier in Windows. The Windows Key looks like the flying Windows Logo and is usually just a key or two left of your spacebar (and sometimes on the right of the spacebar, too).
-- Windows Key (WK) + D = Minimizes all windows and displays your desktop -- Also reverses that function if pressed again.
-- WK + E = Opens Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) to view your files
-- WK + R = Opens the Run dialog (possibly the BEST seldom used feature of any Windows computer)
For instance, when you press WK + R, then type the following: (and press ENTER after the command)... actually in VISTA, you just push the WK and start typing... the START menu is initially the most annoying feature of Vista and eventually the BEST feature of Vista, if you use it as I say. Fingers stay closer to the keyboard longer, and this lowers the amount of time spent between typing and mousing...
-- winword = opens Microsoft Word
-- control netconnections = opens Network Connections
-- control = opens Control Panel
-- excel = opens Microsoft Excel
In fact, if you press WK and the first few unique letters of ANY program on your start menu, that program will start. Also, you can SEARCH your computer directly from the START menu.

Conclusion: Anyone who dogs Vista is either:
1) A sucker to Apple's advertisting
2) Lazy
3) Impatient
4) All of the Above

It's loads better than XP in almost every way. This isn't coming from some schlep. I'm the I/T Manager for a global company that deploys Vista for Engineers, Standard office workers, Executive officers, and more. Take my word for it. It's better.

Phew. Maybe I'll copy this comment and post it on my OWN blog! :-)

January 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChad

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