One Happy Day

Tuesday. One happy day with my computer. Sigh. It was great while it lasted.
Yesterday, I spent over an hour and a half on the phone with my ISP and Dell trying to get my Outlook email set up. Back and forth, on hold, waiting for a call back, on hold. You know the routine. Finally, we got that squared away. I can now send and receive email--or I could if my AV/firewall software wasn't duking it out with Windows Security. My AV/Firewall appears to be downloading new updates, but it closes before it installs and loads the updates. I've had two email responses from the software company with friendly suggestions about how to fix it but so far, nothing has worked.
So, I'm sitting here banging away on my husband's computer while my sleek, fast laptop sits forlorn with no working security. Sigh.
On the brighter side, though, our Bible study today was great--Hebrews 9:1-10. If I weren't so tired right now, I'd share a few quotes. I'll do that in the morning. On Tom's laptop. 'Cause I can't use mine.
Reader Comments (7)
Arrrgh! So sorry.
Yea, it's frustrating. I'm hoping to make some headway with it today. I got another LONG email full of things to do to correct the problem. I'll need to have another cup of coffee before I give it a go, though!
Eww... Don't know if you've heard the slogan "Dell - computers from h*ll"
Also, some av/firewall combinations are so efficient that they even block all legitimate use!
Hope you get it sorted out soon.
Our desktop computer was a Dell and it had hard use for over 6 years and we had very few problems with it over the years. I think we only had to have it serviced twice in all that time. My husband has used Dells at work for years and hasn't had problems with any of his machines, so we're sold on Dells. I know, though, that one 'lemon' can change a person's mind. . .
I think my problems are entirely software conflicts. It may take a day or two to resolve, but hopefully it will all be fixed soon.
Ugh ~ that's so frustrating! I hope you figure out the problem soon.
Oh dear! I am hoping to get a new computer soon, and I've been waffling between putting out the extra for a Mac or getting a Dell or an HP. I think I'm scared now.
Oh! Don't let my software conflicts (which will eventually be resolved) make you think less of Dell. It's not a computer problem perse, it is just software stuff going on.
I am impressed that you do all the dealing with the companies yourself. I put that into the competent to deal with technology department and offer fresh baked bread in exchange for someone else to deal with it! Bread is so much easier to deal with!
I used "deal" four times in that last comment and ended the last sentence with a preposition. Bread really IS so easy to handle! Oh My!
Last year when we bought our Dell, we had the same problem. The virus software that Dell installed was incompatible with Vista, or something like that. We had to uninstall that virus software and download a different one from the web. After 3 hours on the phone with Dell 24/7, we had it worked out.