What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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It is difficult to define Hiraeth, but to me it means the consciousness of man being out of his home area and that which is dear to him. That is why it can be felt even among a host of peoples amidst nature's beauty. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

. . like a Christian yearning for Heaven. . .


Sunday Hymn: Ah, Holy Jesus


Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended,
That man to judge thee hath in hate pretended?
By foes derided, by thine own rejected,
O most afflicted.

Who was the guilty? who brought this upon thee?
Alas, my treason, Jesus, hath undone thee.
'Twas I, Lord Jesus, I it was denied thee:
I crucified thee.

Lo, the good Shepherd for the sheep is offered:
The slave hath sinned, and the Son hath suffered:
For man's atonement, while he nothing heedeth,
God intercedeth.

For me, kind Jesus, was thine incarnation,
Thy mortal sorrow, and thy life's oblation:
Thy death of anguish and thy bitter passion,
For my salvation.

Therefore, kind Jesus, since I cannot pay thee,
I do adore thee, and will ever pray thee
Think on thy pity and thy love unswerving,
Not my deserving.



Sunday Hymn: The Lord has Heard and Answered Prayer


The Lord has heard and answered prayer
And saved his people in distress;
This to the coming age declare,
That they his holy name may bless.

The Lord, exalted on his throne,
Looked down from heaven with pitying eye
To still the lowly captive's moan
And save his people doomed to die.

All men in Zion shall declare
His gracious name with one accord,
When kings and nations gather there
To serve and worship God the Lord.

Before my journey is complete
My vigor fails, my years decline;
My God, O spare me, I entreat;
The days of life are wholly thine.

The earth and heavens shall pass away,
Like vesture worn and laid aside,
But changeless thou shalt live for aye,
Thy years for ever shall abide.

Thou, O Jehovah, shalt endure,
Thy throne for ever is the same;
And to all generations sure
Shall be thy great memorial name.

Thy servants' children shall remain
For evermore before thy face;
Enduring honor they shall gain,
Established ever in thy grace.

Trinity Hymnal #25


Quote of the Week:  Henry

Duty is ours.  Events are the God's. 

Matthew Henry, Commentary, Exodus


Thankful Thursday 2010

This week has been another blurrrr. . .

Monday and Tuesday were taken up with driving into downtown Chicago for Jake's doctors appointments.  Traffic was a bear both days-- both ways-- but we got some answers, thankfully!  The electrophysiologist made some major adjustments to his pacemaker threshholds--from a low of 60 bpm as response for the pacemaker to start pacing him to a low of 70 bpm.  The original setting allowed him to stay in a heart rate that was just too low for normal energy levels.  Their thinking was that his heart would only occasionally need to be paced if they set it that low but it was pacing him nearly all the time anyway, so they kicked it up.  Ten points is a huge difference, but he is tolerating it well.  Not so tired and sleepy and dizzy.  Perhaps some of his symptoms were due to the low pacing instead of his medications.  Already he is feeling more alert and energetic, sleeping less during the day and sleeping better at night. They kicked his medication up slightly, too.  Increased fluid intake, NO Mountain Dew or caffeine of any kind round out the rest of the adjustments.  He is going to have a 24 hour holter placed in two weeks so they can see how he is responding to the new regimen.  If he is doing well, they will incrementally increase his medications to a level that helps control his arrythmias without causing the dreadful side effects.  All in all, we are encouraged and thankful for the changes made and hopeful that he is on the right path for improvement.

Yesterday morning was spent in making the obligatory phone calls to the insurance company, to his job, to his company, and to the company that is managing his leave of absence; making follow up appointments, getting his blood work done at a local lab, and calling his Grandma's to bring them up to date with his progress.  Elliott and Maddie came for their Wednesday afternoon stay at Grandma's and when they left, I had to scurry to get the house picked up and cleaned for prayer meeting that met at our house last night.  I'm thankful that we have such good friends who pray with us and for us!  I'm also thankful that they are understanding of dust and tiny fingerprints on the tabletops on a day in which there was little time to clean.

Today is the first day this week that I have had time to work at my drawing board.  I am so thankful that I can exclaim, "back to the ol' drawing board" and literally mean it!  I'm working up some sample envelopes to send to a potential client, finishing up my requested submission to the publisher of a new calligraphy book coming out in 2011, and then beginning work on a commercial job for a friend.

There have been times this week in which I felt like I just wanted to do nothing.  Just stay at home and bury my head in a book to get away from the fast paced schedule, but I'm thankful that we got through it, we have some answers, and things appear to be changing for the better for Jake.

I'm thankful for a good rain this morning, cooler weather, open windows, soft breezes.

I am thankful.

Psalm 103 has been running in my mind this week:

103:1 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits,
who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
who satisfies you with good
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

So, what are YOU thankful for?  Have you blessed the Lord this day? 

I'm joining my friend, Kim from the Upward Call,  and others in giving thanks to God on Thursdays in 2010.  Won't you join us?


Quote of the Week:  Shelley

I heard the autumnal leaves like light footfalls of spirits passing through the streets.




Sunday Hymn: O Christ, Our True and Only Light


O Christ, our true and only Light,
Illumine those who sit in night;
Let those afar now hear thy voice,
And in thy fold with us rejoice.

And all who else have strayed from thee,
O gently seek; thy healing be
To ev'ry wounded conscience giv'n;
And let them also share thy heav'n.

O make the deaf to hear thy Word;
And teach the dumb to speak, dear Lord,
Who dare not yet the faith avow,
Though secretly they hold it now.

Shine on the darkened and the cold;
Recall the wand'rers from thy fold;
Unite those now who walk apart;
Confirm the weak and doubting heart.

So they with us may evermore
Such grace with wond'ring thanks adore,
And endless praise to thee be giv'n
By all the church in earth and heav'n.



(belated)Thankful Thursday

Yesterday was such a busy, busy day that I never got around to posting my Thankful Thursday post.  But I have so much to be thankful for that I decided to post it on Friday.

This has been one of the busiest weeks of my life!  (or at least it felt that way!) 

Monday was spent in a mad dash to finish up a piece of calligraphy that I shouldn't have accepted (not really having enough time, but not wanting to pass up work).  It was a 2nd anniversary gift from a young man to his wife.  I wish I could show it to you, but it's a one-off piece and personal, so no pictures.  It was a very challenging piece and the time frame was way too short, but I got it done and done well, so I am grateful for that!  He was so pleased and excited to give it to his wife.  That makes me happy.  I'm so thankful for a job I love, even when the deadlines are harrowing.

Tuesday we took Jake to Chicago for the first of his series of doctor appointments.  It was both a tough day and a good day.  We got a few answers and a lot of hope, so I am very grateful to God for directing us to the doctor who seems to be just the right one to help Jake.

Wednesday morning I tried to catch up with my dreadfully neglected house work and laundry, but I watch the the kids on Wednesday afternoons so that ended the cleaning, and started the fun.  Maddie took a good nap so I got to take Elliott outside to play.  I filled a bucket with water, handed him an old paint brush and he got busy painting the steps and the sidewalk (and my feet) with many giggles.  When they left, the house was in shambles, but we had fun and that's what counts.  I'm so thankful to have this time with my grandchildren!

Yesterday was again spent in trying to reclaim my dusty, messy house, finish the laundry, and cook a nice meal for my nephew, who is here for a short visit.  Cleaning house for company is different than cleaning house for family and it took every minute I had to get it ship shape!  Got up at 5 and got started, went to bed at 11 and barely stopped all day.  Boy, was I exhausted!  But I am so grateful for the time we had with Tim last night and look forward to fixing him a nice breakfast before he takes off later this morning.

And that brings me up to today.  Today I am going to take a break and do whatever I want to do!  Which, of course, means reading and kicking around in my studio.  I'm going to play at my drawing board and putter in the yard and take it easy.  Hopefully, I can talk Dorothy into coming over this afternoon for a cup of tea.

I am thankful for the life God has given me.  He has filled it full and blessed me in it.  He has given me a loving family, a comfortable home, good friends and plenty to fill my days.

I am thankful.

PS:  to my friends who are reading:  Could you please pray for my friend, Nancy?  She has been diagnosed with three masses; two in her neck and one on her tongue, but praise God, her lungs are clear.  The biopsy was done yesterday and she won't get the results until Monday so it will be a long weekend for her as she waits to know what she is facing.  Thank you for praying for her!


Dictionary Word of the Day:  Kenspeckle

\ KEN-spek-uhl \  , adjective;
Conspicuous; easily seen or recognized.

Kenspeckle  comes from Scottish and Northern English dialects, ultimately relating back to Norwegian.
(I must admit that I could have posted a new "never heard this one before" word for about the last week.  And that's the way it goes with Dictionary Word of the Day.  I can go months without learning anything new and then there will be a spate of strange words.  One would almost think someone at Dictionary Word of the Day is having a go at me!)

Sunday Hymn: Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me?


Why should cross and trial grieve me?
Christ is near
With his cheer;
Never will he leave me.
Who can rob me of the heaven
That God's Son
For my own
To my faith hath given?

God oft gives me days of gladness;
Shall I grieve
If he give
Seasons, too, of sadness?
God is good and tempers ever
All my ill,
And he will
Wholly leave me never.

Death cannot destroy for ever;
From our fears,
Cares, and tears
It will us deliver.
It will close life's mournful story,
Make a way
That we may
Enter heav'nly glory.

Lord, my Shepherd, take me to thee.
Thou art mine;
I was thine,
Even ere I knew thee.
I am thine, for thou hast bought me;
Lost I stood,
But thy blood
Free salvation brought me.

Thou art mine; I love and own thee.
Light of Joy,
Ne'er shall I
From my heart dethrone thee.
Saviour, let me soon behold thee
Face to face,—
May thy grace
Evermore enfold me!



Quote of the Week:  Watson

God takes away the world, that the heart may cleave more to Him in sincerity. —Thomas Watson 


Dictionary Word of the Day:  Cachinnate

\ KAK-uh-neyt \  , verb;
To laugh loudly or immoderately.

I love loud laughter, don't you?


Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful to have been invited to submit my work to be considered for inclusion in a new Calligraphy instructional book that is going to be published early in 2011.  I doubt very much whether they select my work, but I am grateful to have been contacted out of the blue and invited.  It's been a tough week for me, calligraphically.  I'm working on a stubborn piece and have honestly begun to question whether I can ever figure out how to get it to all work together, so this was a nice encouragement.

I'm thankful even for the tough assignments because I always end up learning something, even if that might be to consider saying "no" from time to time.  **grin**  But in this case, the client is such a nice guy and the gift is for his wife for their anniversary, so I'm going to find a way to make it work.

I'm thankful, too, that Jake's series of Doctor's appointments are starting next week and, hopefully, we'll have some answers soon.  It's been hard for him to be off work this long, especially since he has felt so tired and ill the whole time.

I'm especially thankful that even though the possibility of more defibrillations, both necessary and unnecessary, have been a concern over the past two months, he hasn't had to be defibrillated.  That is a great relief!

I'm thankful for the peace that passes understanding that comes from knowing Christ.

I'm joining my friend, Kim from the Upward Call,  and others in giving thanks to God on Thursdays in 2010.  Won't you join us?


A Visiting Flock

 I noticed a flock of birds gathered in the top of a dead tree that I can see from our house.  Couldn't tell for sure what kind they were, but I could tell they were all the same kind.  I ran in for  my camera and zoomed in:

Cedar Waxwings--one of my favorite birds! 


September Status Report

It's the first day of the month so I'm joining Lisa in filing a quick status report:

Sitting...in the living room, watching Sponge Bob’s boating lessons with Elliott.

Drinking...filtered water.

Finishing...this post (hopefully) before Sponge Bob is over.

Reading...Les Mis (it’s going to be on my list for some time—it’s a long book and I don’t

have much time to read.)

Glad that I finally gave up and shelved my new translation of Les Mis and went back to my old favorite.  Sigh. . .all is right with the world.

Listening to Gone with the Wind on my IPod.

Loving... that it is finally September. I can’t wait until the weather cools down and the leaves turn.

Thinking...that Maddie went down for her nap much easier than Elliott ever has!

Pondering...how I am going to finish a commissioned piece I'm working on on time.  It’s going slower than I thought it would.

Remaining...[can’t think of a thing to plug in here]

Waiting for the day that sin will be no more.
Lingering...on this post, hoping I’ll think of something I am ‘remaining’ about!


Dictionary Word of the Day:  anacoluthia


   \ an-uh-kuh-LOO-thee-uh \  , noun;
Lack of grammatical sequence or coherence, esp. in a sentence.
Here's a word that's handy of which I have never heard before or read ever. (How's that for anacoluthia?)

Sunday Hymn: I Know that My Redeemer Lives


I know that my Redeemer lives,
And ever prays for me;
A token of his love he gives,
A pledge of liberty.

I find him lifting up my head;
He brings salvation near;
His presence makes me free indeed
And he will soon appear.

He wills that I should holy be:
Who can withstand his will?
The counsel of his grace in me
He surely shall fulfil.

Jesus, I hang upon thy Word:
I steadfastly believe
Thou wilt return and claim me, Lord,
And to thyself receive.



Quote of the Week:  Hugo

Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.

Victor Hugo


Why is it. . .

. . .that the same sun that fades colors turns white curtains yellow?


Thankful Thursday 2010


Elliott and Maddie will be here in a few minutes.  I'm so thankful to the Good Lord for giving us these darling grandchildren.  Being a grandmother is a singularly woundrous blessing for which I am most grateful.

I'm joining my friend, Kim from the Upward Call,  and others in giving thanks to God on Thursdays in 2010.  Won't you join us?


Sunday Hymn: The Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear

The Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear

From Psalm 22:27-30

The ends of all the earth shall hear
And turn unto the Lord in fear;
All kindreds of the earth shall own
And worship him as God alone.

All earth to him her homage brings,
The Lord of lords, the King of kings.

For his the kingdom, his of right,
He rules the nations by his might;
All earth to him her homage brings,
The Lord of lords, the King of kings.

Both rich and poor, both bond and free,
Shall worship him on bended knee,
And children's children shall proclaim
The glorious honor of his Name.

Trinity Hymnal  #294