God's MInute

Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.--2 Corinthians 9:15.
OUR FATHER, we offer Thee thanks for the morning light and for all Thy goodness. We confess our faults and failures and sins, and ask Thy pardon. Give us a right judgment, that we may see what Thou wouldst have us do; a ready will, that we may do our duty with all our might; and the help of Thy Spirit, that we may be enabled this day to live according to Thy will.
Look with pity upon all who are in any need or trouble, and come and help them. Strengthen the weak, succor those who are tempted, lift up the fallen, lighten the darkness of them that doubt, give patience to all who suffer, and to them who are disheartended give courage and new interest in life.
Bless our country, and grant that righteousness, peace and good will may prevail among all nations. Bless Thy Church throughout the world, especially Thy servants who have gone forth to preach Thy Gospel in distant lands. Take under Thy fatherly care and protection all who are near and dear to us; do more and better for them that we can ask or think, and grant that we and they may this day enter more and more into Thy joy and peace, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Bishop Chancey B. Brewster, D.D.,
Hartford, Connecticut
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