A Letter a Week: 'E'

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Reader Comments (17)
In many ways my letter, so I'll just say "Thank you"!
Very artistic - wonderfully drawn. Wish I was as good.
Hello KIM , It took a while to post a comment, but I like your E. thanks for visiting mine: www.joannwalraven.blogspot.com. Greetings from JoAnn-D-Eyes
(I hope this works?)
four eggs in the corners - beautiful
I like your letter E.
Great as usual.
Nice "E" today.
Come visit Elfins and Egrets, Click here.
Troy and Martha
Love the e you drew and the bird's egg choices around the edges...
Beautiful! I've never heard of a cat bird!
You do absolutely beautiful work... a stunning piece indeed!
Very nice E!
This made me feel almost guilty for having just eaten a fried egg sandwich, Almost. Your artwork is beautiful.
Very artistic and I like the robin egg. I like the caligrafy style.
'Egg'-cellent E post... and another great picture.
I like your E; nicely drawn and thought out.
Very nice.
Wonderful "E"
Besides being very beutiful your letter creations are very creative. Love the gentleness invoked by "E". It's my 1st visit & now I am eagerly awaiting other letters.
Creative E!