What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


More Quotes

Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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It is difficult to define Hiraeth, but to me it means the consciousness of man being out of his home area and that which is dear to him. That is why it can be felt even among a host of peoples amidst nature's beauty. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

. . like a Christian yearning for Heaven. . .


June Status Report

Joining Lisa and others

Sitting….in my comfy leather reading chair; feet on ottoman, computer on lap

Drinking….my first cup of coffee—what else?

Wondering….what the weather will be like in the North Woods of Wisconsin next week.

Surveying….my ‘getting ready for vacation’ lists.

Enjoying….my first cup of coffee.

Reading….Genesis 6. 

Also reading….Piety’s Wisdom.

Painting….our white picket fences when we get back from vacation.

Anticipating….a restful week of reading, talking, laughing, playing games, soaking up sun.

Thinking….about what a comfort it is to know Christ has overcome the world

Breaking….my refrigerator has been ‘broken’ since last Friday and it gets fixed today.  Yippee!  We have American Home Shield insurance so all repairs (or replacements) of appliances cost a flat $60.  Sometimes you have to wait to get ‘non-emergency’ services but it’s worth the wait if my refrigerator needs a new motor or even needs to be replaced.  I’ll be happy not to have to go up and down the basement steps every time I need to get something out of the fridge.


Law and Gospel

Micheal Horton, at The White Horse Inn, has an important post today on the Law and Gospel.  I was going to write that this is a concept we all need to understand once and for all; but, being sinners, the truth is we need to understand this concept over and over and over again.

Definitely worth reading--and bookmarking.


Sunday Hymn: Grace! 'Tis a Charming Sound


Grace! 'tis a charming sound,
Harmonious to mine ear;
Heav'n with the echo shall resound,
And all the earth shall hear.

Grace first contrived a way
To save rebellious man,
And all the steps that grace display
Which drew the wondrous plan.

Grace taught my wand'ring feet
To tread the heav'nly road
And new supplies each hour I meet
While pressing on to God.

Grace all the work shall crown
Through everlasting days;
It lays in heav'n the topmost stone,
And well deserves the praise.




Should Christians be on Facebook

To Facebook or not to Facebook?  Read 10 things R.C. Sproul Jr. has to say about Facebook and social networking.

It'll make you think.


Sunday Hymn:  


In the land of fadeless day
Lies the city four-square;
It shall never pass away,
And there is no night there.

God shall wipe away all tears;
There's no death, no pain, nor fears;
And they count not time by years;
For there is no night there.

All the gates of pearl are made
In the city four-square;
All the streets with gold are laid,
And there is no night there.

And the gates shall never close
To the city four-square;
There life's crystal river flows,
And there is no night there.

There they need no sunshine bright,
In that city four-square;
For the Lamb is all the light,
And there is no night there.

Trinity Hymnal #730


Quote of the Week:  Merydith-Wolf

"Creativity is a kneaded eraser. The first time you pick it up it's really hard and stiff. The more you use it, the more flexible and elastic it becomes."

Anne Merydith-Wolf


Deactivation is not Deletion

I deactivated my Facebook account this morning.

Sort of.

Here's the confirmation email I received:

Hi Kim,
You have deactivated your Facebook account. You can reactivate your account at any time by logging into Facebook using your old login email and password. You will be able to use the site like you used to.
The Facebook Team

So. . .all I have to do is log in like I always logged in and everything is still there, ready for me to move right back in.  I want my account deleted.  Wonder if that is even possible.  Anybody know?

Recipe: Camembert Panini

Camembert Panini

Thinly sliced rustic french bread, buttered

Camembert cheese, rind removed

Pressed in a Panini maker until bread is crisp and browned

Top with mango and passion fruit jam.

France on a plate.


Dictionary Word of the Day:  Majuscule

\MAJ-uh-skyool\ , adjective;
Of letters written either as capitals or uncials.
A large letter, either capital or uncial, used in writing or printing.

Inspired by today's Dictionary Word of the Day, this is my first attempt at broad brush calligraphy.  There's a learning curve so I'm not entirely satisfied but I thoroughly enjoyed playing with this new (to me) technique.



Sunday Hymn: Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord

Psalm 98

Come, let us sing unto the Lord
New songs of praise with sweet accord;
For wonders great by him are done,
His hand and arm the victory won.

The great salvation of our God
Is seen through all the earth abroad;
Before the heaven's wondering sight
He hath revealed his truth and right.

He called to mind his truth and grace
In promise made to Israel's race;
And unto earth's remotest bound
Glad tidings of salvation sound.

All lands, to God lift up your voice;
Sing praise to him, with shouts rejoice,
With voice of joy and loud acclaim
Let all unite and praise his name.

Praise God with harp, with harp sing praise,
With voice of psalms his glory raise;
With trumpets, cornets, gladly sing
And shout before the Lord, the king.

Let earth be glad, let billows roar
And all that dwell from shore to shore;
Let floods clap hands with one accord,
Let hills rejoice before the Lord.

For lo, he comes; at his command
All nations shall in judgment stand;
In justice robed and throned in light,
The Lord shall judge, dispensing right.

Trinity Hymnal #15


Quote of the Week:  Franklin

All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse.

Benjamin Franklin


That's not the ONLY hatching. . .

. . .at our house:

I much prefer the Robins.


Happy Mother's Day--again!

Today is a red-letter Mother's Day for our Robins.  This afternoon, we discovered that the first nest had hatched and Mama One is busily feeding her chicks--at least the ones that have hatched.  There is slow poke egg still in the nest:

Across the other side of the front porch it is "Laying Day" for Mama Two.  So far we can see two eggs in the 'new' nest:

It should be interesting once we have TWO nests full of baby Robins. 


My Cousin's Take on our Immigration Laws

Let me start by saying that I love lawfulness. I endeavor to obey our laws and accept the consequences if I don't. I do understand why peoples from around the world want to come here. Previous waves of immigrants came when we had little or no immigration laws, so they were here “legally”. Now, we have laws, and whether or not we agree with the laws, they must be enforced. Laws should be enforced or removed from our statutes. We have a poor standard of governmental integrity if we lack the will to implement justice. There can be no true justice when some laws are enforced and others unenforced.

Now, there is no such thing as a “law abiding” illegal alien because it is impossible to come here illegally and abide here legally. Taxes, military duty, driving, education, health care, and the list goes on and on of the areas impacted by the presence of illegals. While the overwhelming majority of illegals desire to live and work in peace, it is very naïve to imagine that crime (drugs, human trafficking, and other violent crimes in particular) are not significantly expanded here because of the activities of various gangs, drug traffickers and others.

Does this mean that “illegals” are second class humans? Of course not! Are they second class citizens? Absolutely! But everyone should be dealt with in accordance with American laws and traditions. We should also enforce the laws when companies or individuals hire illegals. It’s is a national wickedness to employ border patrol and law enforcement and then ask them to a job without giving them the right to defend themselves or to do their duty because of political weakness.

Please do not tell me the worn lie that we need illegals to fill important jobs that citizens won’t do. There is a simple economic rule of supply and demand. Example: if jobs at wage A go unfilled by citizens and legal workers, then the job will have to go to wage B, then C, and so forth, until the job is filled at its proper market wage. These “unfilled” jobs would all be filled by legal workers at higher wages. In fact, flooding any job market with illegal workers just artificially keeps wages down. This impact is also felt in other markets like housing, medical treatment, education, etc.

Please do not misunderstand my belief as any kind of racism. I love all peoples as icons of Christ. I wish for all to come to Christ and His church. I believe that we should endeavor to feed, clothe, and shelter all who need it. America is usually triple any other country in giving to others around the world. We give more to Africa than African nations, more to Asia than Asian nations, more to the Middle East, and on and on. Could we do more? Maybe. Could I do more? Probably.

I believe that it would be wrong for me to endorse lawlessness in the name of Christ. I believe the church (and our government) should work to improve the lives of the people in each country that will work with us. This is very different from crashing our economy and theirs together in a misplaced sentimental gesture of encouraging the violation of our nation’s immigration laws. I am also not convinced that we are doing the countries from which the illegals come any favors. We deprive them of their necessary workers and interfere with their economic development if we encourage a mass exodus of their able-bodied workforce.

I do welcome, with open arms, all who legally endeavor to adopt America as their own! I will show them my love and support. I will be patient with them as they learn our languages and customs. I will not regard their ethnic, cultural, or national background as any kind of baggage of which they should be ashamed. If they arrive in flight of an oppressive regime, I will gladly encourage our state department and judicial system to view them with much leniency. If they are here as a willful violation of our laws, we should send them home.

To which I say, "well said, Ron."


Happy Mother's Day

A chilly Mother's Day this year, but I'll be with all my children today (and my grandchildren) so no matter how cold it is outside, I'll be warm!

Happy Mother's Day!


Sunday Hymn: When Morning Guilds the Skies


When morning gilds the skies,
My heart awaking cries
May Jesus Christ be praised:
Alike at work and prayer
To Jesus I repair;
May Jesus Christ be praised.

When sleep her balm denies,
My silent spirit sighs,
May Jesus Christ be praised:
When evil thoughts molest,
With this I shield my breast,
May Jesus Christ be praised.

Does sadness fill my mind?
A solace here I find,
May Jesus Christ be praised:
Or fades my earthly bliss?
My comfort still is this,
May Jesus Christ be praised.

In heav'n's eternal bliss
The loveliest strain is this,
May Jesus Christ be praised:
The powers of darkness fear,
When this sweet chant they hear,
May Jesus Christ be praised.

Let earth's wide circle round
In joyful notes resound,
May Jesus Christ be praised:
Let air and sea and sky,
From depth to height, reply,
May Jesus Christ be praised.

Be this, while life is mine,
My canticle divine,
May Jesus Christ be praised:
Be this th'eternal song,
Through all the ages on,
May Jesus Christ be praised.

Trinity Hymnal #131


Quote of the Week:  Calvin

We are invited to a knowledge of God, but not such as, content with empty speculation, merely floats in the brain, but such as will be solid and fruitful, if rightly received and rooted in our hearts.

John Calvin, Institutes, 1.5.9


Thankful Thursday 2010

I'm thankful for water main cutoff valves and plumbers who know what they are doing.  I'm thankful for a son who was willing to drop what he was doing to come and help.

And I'm grateful for clean, fresh water at the turn of the tap.  So many things I take for granted, how seldom do I stop and consider the small (and not so small) daily blessings--the comforts of home.

I'm joining my friend, Kim from the Upward Call,  and others in giving thanks each Thursday in 2010.  Won't you join us?


Status Report, May

Joining my friend, Lisa, in her status reporting this morning:

Sitting…in my comfy leather reading chair

Drinking…my first cup of the day—french press, of course.

Welcoming…a new nest in the tree on the other side of my front door and the industrious Mama Robin who spent all day building it.  Hope she gets along with our resident Robin on the other side of the porch.

Praying…for a soft heart before the Lord

Feeling…happy that spring is here and the weather is fine.

Memorizing…my grand daughter’s little face

Missing…nothing at all about winter

 Pondering…how to manage my time today.  Yardwork first or housework?

Realizing…that time is passing quickly.

Reading…Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

Recommending…Atlas Shrugged

Wanting…wisdom and patience

Wondering…about the marvelous patience and loving kindness of God


Priceless Expression