Apparently, I do. This week I have been forced to face (yet again!) how sadly neglected my poor blog has become. A quote on Saturday, a hymn on Sunday, a recipe and a picture here and there. Compared to the first three years or so when I happily blogged nearly every day, this blog has gone very quiet.
There are many reasons for this. Over the past few weeks, I've been preparing for my first Bridal Fair to promote my fledgling business, The Constant Scribe. Between preparing for that, a crop of June wedding envelopes I just finished, and a few other calligraphy projects on top of my regular house-wifely chores, spring yard clean up, and Bible study, I just haven't had time to sit down and blog. Or read blogs, for that matter.
Lately, though, I've been longing to return to blogging and I've been intending to 'get back to it' once things 'slow down a little bit.' A quick look at my sitemeter this week tells me that I've lost nearly all my regular readers--I guess I'm not surprised at that but it was a bit of a wake-up call.
However, something infinitely more positive was the real 'kick in the pants' I needed! This week, my Google Alert incorrectly identified another blog, Hiraeth in the Hurt Locker, with mine and sent me an alert to a post over there. Being the curious person I am, I checked it out and OH!, what a great blog! It's written by a 'new' Christian, Dai' G Bear, just a year old in the faith. His posts are insightful, challenging, and inspiring. Talk about making my own blog seem stale and uninteresting! It's far and away one of the best blogs I've ever read. I hope you'll stop over sometime soon and visit with Dai' G Bear. I'd subscribe if I were you!
(Oh, and I don't know about you, but I had to look up the definition of hurt locker --noun. a period of immense, inescapable physical or emotional pain--it makes perfect sense to me when wedded to the meaning of hiraeth--a fit description of the Christian life reminiscent of Paul's dilemna in Romans 7: Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!)